Föstudagur 14.mars 2025

Talan á vigtinni segir ekki allt – Þessar konur hafa ekki misst eitt kíló

Guðrún Ósk Guðjónsdóttir
Fimmtudaginn 15. mars 2018 14:43

Ekki missa af Helstu tíðindum dagsins í pósthólfið þitt

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Talan á vigtinni segir ekki allt. Hættu að einblína á kílófjölda og einbeittu þér frekar að því að lifa heilsusamlegum og hamingjusömum lífsstíl. Þessar konur hér að neðan eru í baráttu við vigtina. PopSugar greinir frá. Þær hafa deilt myndum á Instagram undir myllumerkinu #ScrewTheScale til að vekja athygli á að talan á vigtinni er einmitt bara tala og það eigi ekki að gefa henni þetta vald sem hún hefur.

Á myndunum sem þær deila má sjá fyrir og eftir myndir, en þær hafa ekki misst eitt einasta kíló milli mynda. Hins vegar hafa þær breytt lífsstíl sínum, borða hollt og hreyfa sig.

Sjáðu myndirnar hér að neðan.

Would you care if your weight stayed the same, if your body composition completely changed? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What’s your actual goal? If it’s actually body recomposition, I hope this visual helps you realize how pointless it is to let a number have any power over you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To further expand upon my last post about why we shouldn’t give the scale so much damn power, I wanted to show you two times in my life I weighed around 130lbs. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Clearly, my body composition is much different in these two pictures. If the scale was the only metric I used to determine my progress I, undoubtedly, would have let discouragement win and thrown in the towel long before I accomplished my goal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So how the heck do you stay motivated when the scale isn’t moving? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You throw that POS away and instead double down on your behavior-based goals such as: ⁃Reduce weekend binges ⁃Consistently train 5 days per week ⁃Get in bed by 10pm every night to ensure 7-8hrs of sleep ⁃Drink 1 gallon of water daily ⁃Push outside my comfort zone when training ⁃Manage anxiety better…Meditate/Journal ⁃Etc.. If you consistently focus on improving your behavior, and celebrating those improvements, you’ll be surprised at how much your body does actually begin to change. #LostBodyFat #GainedMuscle #WeightRemained #BodyRecomposition #Shevolve

A post shared by JESSI JEAN FITNESS (@jessijeanfitness) on

I have been working on SHIFTING MY MINDSET…. Changing the way I think about WEIGHT and the SCALE. And these last 41 days are really helping me get there! As a wellness coach I am continuously learning more and am being inspired by others daily! This community has really helped me OPEN MY EYES to what is really IMPORTANT when it comes to being healthy…MINDSET! ?Self-LOVE, feeling and becoming confident, Determination, Hard Work, NUTRITION, Dedication and the willingness to push myself past what I ever thought I was capable of! The scale can suck it! Look at this Chica!!! The scale tells us a much different story here than these pictures. She is 5’2 and 150lbs in both pics…but the pictures truly show the difference between just losing weight, and being healthy and strong both mentally and physically! In her words: “It's awesome to have goals!! But I wanted to show a quick reminder as to why we shouldn't focus so much on losing a certain amount or weighing a specific amount of weight. I'm 5'2" and weigh 150lbs. If I were to tell anyone that without them physically seeing me, they'd think I was overweight. We need to erase the stigma of the scale.” If you want to start making changes inside and out and don’t know where to start..here are ✌️ways to—> send me a message or Click the link in my Bio ?‍♀️ —————————— #mindsetiskey #momlifebelike #losefatgainmuscle #momlifebelike #momminainteasy #bepositive✌ #loveyourselffirst #screwthescale #scalecansuckit #linkinbio

A post shared by NICOLE RACZYNSKI (@nicoleraczynski) on

So I started cutting this week and I haven’t really spoken about it much so I thought I’d cover a few things . I’ve finished my bulk weighing in at 72kg !! This is a lot more then I thought I’d get to but I had a lot of life changes, I didn’t weigh myself during and I also stopped tracking macros so a bigger gain was inevitable however I needed to give myself a reality check which is why I’ve put these images together because the last time I weighed this my body composition was completely different which means all this hard work I’ve been putting in is sooo worth it . I’m excited to cut down and see where my physique is at this time round ———————————————— #Physique #WomensPhysique #Abs #GirlsWithAbs #AbSelfie #Glutes #Quads #Fitness #GymLife #FitChick #FitnessJourney #FitSpo #FitFam #UKFitFam #FatToFit #GirlsWhoLift #GirlsWithMuscle #BodyBuilding #GirlGains #Weightlifting #Powerlifting #Workout #StrongNotSkinny #BeAVisionary #ScrewTheScales #SelfLove #Progress #PhysiqueUpdate #WeightLossJourney #GymsharkWomen

A post shared by Staci Baldwin (@squishyandstrong) on

Transformation ???? #ScrewTheScales

A post shared by Daily Fitness Inspo (@fitness.iinspo) on

Weight doesn't mean SHIT in itself when it comes to measuring your fitness. . As many of you probably can relate to, I was obsessed with the scale-number towards my fitness goals. It was bringing me nothing but a low self-esteem to literary measure my self-worth based on if the scale was going up or down. . Finally at one point, I learned that the scale is nothing but a POSSIBLE complimentary(not nessesary) TOOL to track weightloss(fatloss), and I understood the ratio between Muscle:Fat and gaining/loosing muscle/fat is something that will effect your weight. DON'T let a number effect how you feel! Stop with it. Emediately. . The goal shouldn't be losing WEIGHT. If we are looking for losing weight, we are primarly looking for decreasing bodyfat. You can use the scale as a TOOL complimentary to other tools to track progress, but never let a number in itself describe your level of fitness and definently not your self-worth. . I personally prefer focusing on exercise that I enjoy and a with a nutrition that helps me towards my goals, perform in the gym, in everyday life and that has room for some goodies here and there(?), and if I have spesific goals towards weightloss/gain or sustain muscle, I use measuretape, scale and pictures to track my progress. . #USEFULFACT it's not reccomended to loose more than 0,7% of your current bodyweight per week if you want to maintain/gain musclemass(and we don't want that). So eat ya food, ladies(and gents)! . The question is not if you use the scale. It's: WHY do you use the scale and how does it effect you?? If you are BRAVE/OPEN enough, please share your reason in the comments below?? ______ For nutritional advice for your goals and needs(that has room for both ?+?+?) DM me and let's see what we can do?? #CoachOda #ConciousChoices #TransformYourBody #TransformYourMind #InfluencerAcademy

A post shared by Strength & Nutrition Coach (@odasofiemagnussen) on

#Repost @wholesome_lee ・・・ Now this is a very common question I always get asked. “How much weight have you lost since the start of your fitness journey?!” Uhmmmm. The truth is that I have stayed almost the exact same weight as when I started. As weird as it may sound, my weight has not fluctuated and if anyone were to ask me just how many kg’s I have lost…. the truth is none. This is living proof that the number on the scale is not an accurate measure of progress. Although I may have been the same weight in both the pictures, it is pretty clear that I certainly do not look the same. You see, this is why I find the scale to be so problematic. It does not take into account SO many factors, like for example how much of your weight is actually muscle and how much is fat, the time of the day you are weighing yourself, the time of the month, whether or not you have eaten etc etc. at the start of my fitness journey, I remember placing so much emphasis on that number on the scale. Losing a few kgs meant the world to me and gaining was a terrible fear. These days my approach could not be more different. I hardly ever weigh myself, and if I do it’s in hope that the scale will actually go up ( muscle gains ?). How do I measure my progress? Besides taking progress pictures, my main benchmark is according to how I FEEL. I feel energetic, full of energy and confident- these are my main pointers of progress! So ladies, don’t let a pesky number on the scale dictate to you your self worth. It is not accurate, and can often hinder your progress. ⭐️⭐️

A post shared by ?WE ARE MORE THAN A NUMBER? (@screw.the.scale) on

#Repost @madalingiorgetta ・・・ I get asked all the time, "how much do you weigh?" ⚖ I understand the question and the desire to know the answer, because I used to be the same. I would look at celebrities who had a similar body shape and height to me and then I'd Google their weight ? Of course I would think, "okay if I can get to this weight, I can look like her". It just makes sense. Like 1+1=2 ✅ But it wouldn't work like this. I'd get to my goal weight and I'd be dissatisfied. I'd find another reason to hate my body. My legs were too short, my arms were too long, my boobs were too small, my knees were too big (I'm serious), my torso was too long, my skin was to pale, my butt was too big. I remember telling this to my boyfriend and he just looked at me like I was crazy ? He didn't realise that women dissect their body parts into little pieces so we can find fault with every part. He would just look at me and tell me I'm beautiful ❤️ All well and good and nice and all but you are your own worst critic. The number on the scale is just another part of your body that tells you to change, tells you you're not good enough. I don't weigh myself anymore. I still struggle to love my body just the way it is, as a complete package, not bits that I wish I could exchange. But as I started working out, I started to love my body more and more. My physical changes weren't drastic but I grew to develop a deeper love for my body. I could appreciate the curves I would develop, I started to like having a bigger bum, I loved feeling strong and fit, I live for the feeling I get after a workout ? Of course I still have days when I wish I looked like @iza_goulart ? but mostly I feel pretty good ? The scale only tells you a small part of the story, there's so much more to be told than a number ?

A post shared by ?WE ARE MORE THAN A NUMBER? (@screw.the.scale) on



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