Miðvikudagur 12.febrúar 2025

Star Wars stjörnurnar – Svipmyndir af stjörnum The Last Jedi

Ragna Gestsdóttir
Miðvikudaginn 20. desember 2017 09:00

Ekki missa af Helstu tíðindum dagsins í pósthólfið þitt

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Í órafjarlægri vetrarbraut þá eru þau ekki alltaf í sama liði, en þegar tökum lýkur þá kemur leikurum Star Wars vel saman, hvort sem er á milli kvikmyndasena, á rauða dreglinum eða annars staðar.

Elle.com tók saman nokkrar myndir af Instagram stjarnanna.


Laura Dern og Oscar Isaac

Masterpiece. So amazed by my buddy!

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Lupita Nyong’o, Joonas Suotamo, John Boyega og Kelly Marie Tran

#Repost @disneystudios Last night was one of the best nights of my life, and honestly, I truly think it’s because I let myself feel ALL the feelings. YOU GUYS. I cried my way through the ENTIRE red carpet! I was basically a ball of emotion — from pure excitement to overwhelming joy. It was an unforgettable night, one to celebrate a series of unforgettable moments from an experience that I will be reliving in my mind for the rest of my life. It feels like both an ending and a beginning. Thank you to everyone that helped put me here — you know who you are. Thank you to my family and friends for getting me through the hard times. And thanks to YOU, for following along on this wonderfully bizarre, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Lots of love, now off to London! ✈️❤️

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Mark Hamill

So grateful to have these lovely ladies in my life. How lucky am I? #VERY

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John Boyega og Kelly Marie Tran

You’ve taken your first step into a larger world ❤️

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Gwendoline Christie og Laura Dern

The DIVINE Captain Phasma #gwendolinechristie #thelastjedi

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Rian Johnson, Daisy Ridley, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, John Boyega og Mark Hamill

Laura Dern og Oscar Isaac

Talking #TheLastJedi with this fella #oscarisaac

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John Boyega, Daisy Ridley og Oscar Isaac

Daisy Ridley og Mark Hamill

John Boyega og Oscar Isaac

Laura Dern og Adam Driver

Magical, magical night! #thelastjedi

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Laura Dern, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson og Rian Johnson

Gwendoline Christie, Laura Dern, Daisy Ridley og Kelly Marie Tran

Andy Serkis og Domhnall Gleeson

Adam Driver

#HBD to my #NaughtyNephew

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Laura Dern, Gwendoline Christie, Daisy Ridley og Kelly Marie Tran

John Boyega, Laura Dern og Daisy Ridley

Love them!!!! @johnboyega #daisyridley #thelastjedi

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Kelly Marie Tran

I tried to keep it together last night, but honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop crying for awhile. Doing my first movie and the subsequent press tour was a lot like falling in love for the first time — exciting, terrifying, and full of surprises. I fell in love with this experience, deeply and truly — without caution and without walls. There are so few moments in life that are truly, 100% inexplicable, and for me, the past two years have been composed purely of those moments. This movie is almost out now. I’m so excited for you to see it, but there’s also a strange part of me that isn’t ready. See, the release of this film marks the end of my Last Jedi press tour experience, and maybe, the end of my first love. As weird as this sounds, my dumb, stupid little heart isn’t ready to say goodbye. I HAVE LOVED IT SO MUCH. ?? But deep down, I know this moment doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to everyone who made this movie. Maybe even more, it belongs to anyone who has ever had a seemingly impossible dream, anyone who has ever loved a world outside of their own. @riancjohnson made a @starwars movie and I got to be in it. Miracles happen. Dreams are achievable. Believe in them. But more importantly, believe in yourself. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE ?❤️??

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Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Domhnall Gleeson og Gwendoline Christie

Last day of Star Wars press with the dream team!

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Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Laura Dern, Andy Serkis, Daisy Ridley, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Rian Johnson, John Boyega ogMark Hamill

We had the loveliest time! Thanks @jimmykimmellive #thelastjedi

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Andy Serkis, Gwendoline Christie, Laura Dern, John Boyega og Anthony Daniels

Laura Dern og Kelly Marie Tran

#TheLastJedi Day 3!

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Laura Dern og Adam Driver

Kelly Marie Tran, Peter Mayhew og Joonas Suotamo

Domhnall Gleeson og Kelly Marie Tran

John Boyega, Daisy Ridley og Mark Hamill

John Boyega, Gwendoline Christie og Domhnall Gleeson

John Boyega og Daisy Ridley

Domhnall Gleeson og Adam Driver


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