Nýr Game of Thrones-þáttur var sýndur í nótt og magnast spennan fyrir endalokum seríunnar. Það brá hins vegar nokkrum í brún þegar að aðdáandi þáttanna birti mynd af drekadrottningunni Daenerys Targaryen og Starbucks-kaffibolla beint fyrir framan hana.
Fyrst þegar mynd af mistökunum með kaffibollann var lekið á netið héldu margir að um fótósjopp var að ræða. Margir trúðu því einfaldlega ekki að þessi gríðarstóru mistök hefðu verið gerð á setti þáttanna. Því voru einhverjir sem horfðu aftur á þáttinn til að staðfesta að kaffibollinn gleymdist í raun á borðinu:
For those of you who didn’t think the Starbucks cup gaffe was real, I went back to watch it and—#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/xNz2iBHySH
— Clarkisha Kent: Benioff and Weiss Hate Account (@IWriteAllDay_) May 6, 2019
Wtf… You guys seriously left a coffee cup in the frame ?? #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/kzLLN33xNX
— Deepkumar Borude (@kungfupanda_roh) May 6, 2019
not a total spoiler but why is there a cup of coffee in the latest episode of #GameOfThrones??? starbucks ba yan pic.twitter.com/u8Z61JOibx
— Albert Raqueño #42Kabataan (@albertraqueno) May 6, 2019
Imagine HBO spending millions on every single episode and being done over by a single coffee cup. Guess Dany didn’t get the memo about reusable chalices #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/YpBtsCTpjY
— Maria (@snailemslot) May 6, 2019
I cannot get over how the makers of #GameOfThrones put fans on blast for not having expensive enough TVs to fully appreciate their visually perfect show then this week there’s actually enough light to see the screen and their sloppy asses fully left a 2019 coffee cup in the shot. pic.twitter.com/gzUjhkn9xY
— Jillian Sederholm (@JillianSed) May 6, 2019
Why queen?? Why?? Would you ever need a starbucks coffee in the middle of the shoot?? #GameofThrones #Dany pic.twitter.com/vVIvsQcXf0
— Lokesh Damodar (@Sanskari_LODA) May 6, 2019
This is hilarious. All that time & money spent on #GameofThrones and they miss a coffee cup! ?? pic.twitter.com/4An5rm4ZeR
— Scott McG (@ScottMcG123) May 6, 2019
If they can’t spot bad writing how are they going to spot a coffee cup? #Starbucks #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/uGAMbY65pP
— Deepak kumar (@deep8979) May 6, 2019
Starbucks marketing team after that FAIL by #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/Uw6NBXJvEP
— CrewNecks & Snapbacks (@CrewNecksSnapb1) May 6, 2019
Being a Starkbucks barista is not an easy job#gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/DyrJSzu0VY
— 9GAG (@9GAG) May 6, 2019
That Winterfell starbucks cashier ain’t ready to write Dany’s name on her coffee cup #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/N4ktWH1NlJ
— Joseph (@TheGeneralSYD) May 6, 2019
[Massive battle including dragons and an army of the undead]
„It’s too dark! We can’t see anything!“
[Coffee cup on a table in the background]
„STARBUCKS!!!“#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/LAbNQWUgh9
— Matt Fernandez 5/9 @ The Orlando Improv (@FattMernandez) May 6, 2019