Föstudagur 28.febrúar 2025

Vikan á Instagram: „Hef ekki getað brosað svona breitt síðan 2002“

Lilja Katrín Gunnarsdóttir
Mánudaginn 13. maí 2019 10:52

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Ekki missa af Helstu tíðindum dagsins í pósthólfið þitt

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Birgitta Haukdal bauð upp á endurlit til fortíðar:

Arna Ýr er komin 35 vikur á leið:

Manuela bað fólk um sitt uppáhalds tjákn:


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Drop ur favorite emoji – mine is ?

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Daði Freyr bjó til tónlist:

Katrín Edda varð þrítug:


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30 ára í dag! ? ? ? Ég ákvað að halda upp á afmælið með því að taka þátt í hlaupi með vinnunni og hljóp í kvöld 6 km í hellidembu sjúklega sátt með lífið. Ég hef alltaf hatað að hlaupa en fannst tilvalið að taka þátt og æfa mig að hlaupa, því stundum verður maður að gera hluti sem manni þykja leiðinlegir. Og viti menn, það er ekkert svo leiðinlegt að hlaupa þegar maður verður góður í því. ? Byrjaði daginn samt á alls konar óvæntum krúttlegheitum frá Markusi þar sem ég fékk m.a. lyftingaskó og er staðráðin að ná 100 kg hnébeygjunni asap. Og SPA flösku beina leið frá Amsterdam! Pælið í því. Lífið er gott. ❤ – I’m 30 years old today! Celebrated by participating in 6 km run with work. I’ve always hated running which is why I thought it would be a good idea to sign me up and train for it cause sometimes in life you gotta do things which you don’t like doing. And guess what? Running isn’t so bad when you get good at it. ? And started the day with some cuteness prep from Markus who also got me Nike Romaleos weightlifting shoes which will for sure make my 100 kg squat happen very soon. And a SPA bottle! Personally imported from Amsterdam! Just think about that. Life is good. ? #dirtythirty #dirtycauseitwasrainingandigotdirtywhilerunning #birthday #lifesgood #30isbetterthan20 #oldwoodenship #yoda #runningtothefuture #sowise #sohumble #gandalf

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Ernuland birti þetta stórkostlega myndband:


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When Reality Hits You ? ( þegar hún nær þessu á Video @steinunn93 ?)

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Katrín Kristins kláraði fyrsta árið í hagfræði:

Sunneva Einars fékk sér skærgrænar neglur:


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Feeling lime atm ?

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Viktor Andersen birti þessa mynd:


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“Gotta preserve the plastic” – @lisarinna ?

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Arna Bára lék sér í heyi:


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@vombbosse #bossbabe

A post shared by Arna Bára Karlsdóttir (@theicelandicbeauty) on

Dóra Júlía er liðug:


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Signature move ?‍♀️

A post shared by Dóra Júlía | J’adora (@dorajulia) on

Bryndís Líf elskar sumarið:


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Summer luvin?❤️

A post shared by Bryndís Líf (@brynnale) on

Katrín Tanja átti afmæli:

Auðunn Blöndal þakkaði fyrir stuðninginn:

Salka Sól var í sumarskapi:


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Hvort er betra caption: 1. Gugga í góðviðri eða 2. Beib í blíðskapar veðri ?

A post shared by ?S A L K A ? S Ó L ? (@salkaeyfeld) on

Selma Björns fór til Tel Aviv:


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A post shared by Selmabjorns (@selmabjorns) on

Líka Friðrik Ómar og Hera Björk:


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Me and Selma performing at Eurocafé in 10 minutes. Hera is keeping us company. Lovely?

A post shared by Friðrik Ómar (@fromarinn) on

Christel Ýr birti bumbumynd:


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Excited to see my little bun grow? #12weeks #bodychange #secondtrimester

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Fanney Ingvars fór á ströndina:


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Barcelona í heimsins besta félagsskap. ?

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Sölvi Fannar birti dramatíska stillu:

Reynir Bergmann eignaðist nýtt líf:

Jóhanna Helga fór til New York:


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New York is always a good idea ??

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Sölvi Tryggva brá á leik:


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Playing around between lectures

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María Birta þakkaði stuðninginn:


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A huge thank you to all my friends who have sent me words of encouragement these past days, I have been a little nervous and sometimes you just need a few positive words to calm the mind ?? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #actress #actor #life #justkeepswimming #keepgoing #attitude #hollywood #losangeles #icelandicgirl #icelandic #motivation #quote #photo #model #positive #wrestling

A post shared by María Birta (@mariabirta) on

Móeiður Svala fór í flug:


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Kveðja frá Köben ✈️?

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Katrín Bjarkadóttir birti þessa mynd:

Alexandra Helga í gallaefni í London:


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Denim days☕️

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Birgitta Líf fór í sund:


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A post shared by Birgitta Líf Björnsdóttir (@birgittalif) on

Alda Coco birti þessa:

Hafþór Júlíus sigraði í Birmingham:

Hugrún Egils fór út í rokið:


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A post shared by Hugrún Birta Egilsdóttir (@hugrunegils) on

Ellý Ármanns fór í Bláa lónið:


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A post shared by Elly Armanns (@ellyarmannsdottir) on

Tara Mobee fór að versla:


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? @wastelandreykjavik ? ? @berglaug • ? @rakelthorlacius •

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Fanney Dóra fagnaði próflokum:


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Það eru próflok ??‍♀️

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Hildur María naut sólarinnar:


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Golden hour ☀️

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Greta Salóme fór á æfingu:

Nilli birti þessa mynd:

Tvíburar Þórdísar Elvu urðu eins árs:


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HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, SWAN & ACER! ???? I can’t believe we’ve gone a full circle around the sun together (although we’ve also been to hell and back).☀️? Both of my babies have been standing upright for weeks and recently, they’ve started to let go and stand unassisted for a few seconds, until the realisation hits them that OMG OMG I AM STANDING ON MY OWN and that’s when they promptly fall on their butt. ? They’re a perfect storm these days, tearing everything out of shelves, emptying packets of wet wipes, draping the apartment in toilet paper and racing around so fast that diaper changes are more like pit stops.?? After having entered this world at a measly 1kg/2lbs (pics 3 and 4), the twins are now an impressive 8.4 kg and 72 cm! They’re still petite, given that their weight is that of an average 7 month old boy, and their height matches a 9 month old – which fits their corrected age perfectly. I’m humbled to say that not a day passes where I don’t get a msg from someone who made it through their own difficulties with inspiration from these little heroes, claiming that Acer’s and Swan’s fight to beat their impossible odds, made them brave. I’m so proud of all of you, who are struggling but not giving up – and I’m so proud of my babies for being wind beneath your wings. Together, we got this. ❤️ So many of you have been with us from the start, others have joined later (and warm welcome to you #armyoflight newbies ?). What is your most memorable moment from our journey so far? Tell me in the comments, and on a future birthday, when the twins are old enough to understand, I’ll read your answers to them. ? Hooray for year one! May there be many more to come! ? #milestones #twins #preemies #pprom #birthday #oneyearold #fraternaltwins #oneyearlater #motherhood #twinmom #premature #nicu #miraclebabies

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Speglasjálfa frá Donnu Cruz:


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Unphased ?

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Ísold Halldórudóttir birti þessa mynd:


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~ Seeking validation. Expecting compensation. Craving your attention. Wanting some affection. I feel insecure. #isoldhalldorudottir #fatgirloncam

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Ari Bragi Kárason fór í sund:


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Dóróthea sagði að ég væri flottur svona ✌?✌?✌?

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Aron Mola byrjaði vinnuvikuna snemma:


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Byrjum þessa vinnuviku! Tala saman milli 16-18! @101liveradio Kæra jelena kl 20! @borgarleikhusid

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Sólborg Guðbrands fór í sumardressið:


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Epísk mynd frá Öldu Karen:


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Is flipping your hair back and fourth still a thing? Asking for a friend. ? @antonialar

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Salvör Eyþórs fór á Esjuna:


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Esjan tekin í ☀️ í dag með æðislegum félagsskap? #esja #nature #iceland #hiking #summer #colours #view

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Svala Björgvins skemmti:


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Second gig of the night ?

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Kristín Björgvins lyfti lóðum:


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When you love what you do is it easy to keep on going an push through the hard times? ❤ It is if you make the decision to keep moving forward… Yesterday I found myself struggling at training and I broke down, felt weak and unable to do what I am used to do, my friends stood cheering me on. I even scaled the workout but it just wasn’t my day… I got a big lump in my throat and my friend came over and said to me „Kristín we all have days like these, be grateful you can come here and workout, move your body and you are healthy“. He was spot on… I am so greatful for my health even though I have had to work alot harder on myself lately because of the trauma I endured last october, I am so greatful for all I got… for my mindset and strenght of my body. I took the oportunity to look back at what state my body and mind was just a few months back when I couldn’t do 10 burpees without stopping, and look where I am now. I have proven to myself I can always move forward if I make the decision to do so, you always have a choice. I had a hard day yesterday, when I woke up this morning I chose not to let yesterday affect my training today. And it didn’t and my day was absolutely awesome. ? @bjarkidominic Have this pic from the @theeuropeanchampionships because two days after it all happened I confirmed my spot in the comp for january and surprised myself with alot better performance than I had hoped for. So…. move forward… always…It is a choice ❤ #crossfit #crossfitgirl #dottir #canthurtme #mindset #hardwork #strong #stronggirl #resilience #seigla @thetrainingplan #thetrainingplan

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Herra Hnetusmjör birti sæta paramynd:


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Hundur Lindu Pé átti afmæli:


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Today is her birthday and she is 10 years old! ?⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Her name is Stjarna ? (meaning Star). Her name fits her to a T. She loves snuggles (specially from her mommy) and a good chewstick -and her favorite thing to do is to swim. I mean, like, she cant help herself. If there is water anywhere in sight, she is in the water in a second or two. What a swimmer she is. Watching her swim makes me happy. ?⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Her perfect day involves getting wet, rolling in the grass and chasing a stick or a ball. That is pure joy to her. And today she gets to do exactly that. Followed by a special meal. ?⠀ ⠀ .⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀ Happy birthday, my sweet girl. I hope we have many more years together. ?❤️⠀

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Andrea Magnúsdóttir var í blómahafi:


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Crazy flower lady ??? – – – #flowers #garden #babybreath #nellik #summer #gardening #florist #floral #mothersday #brúðarslör

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Bára Jóns í París:

Speglasjálfa frá Jóa Pé:


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Thelma Guðmunds í Tyrklandi:


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Þessi staður?? #turkey #antalya

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