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Vikan á Instagram: „Savage, not average“

Lilja Katrín Gunnarsdóttir
Mánudaginn 29. apríl 2019 10:08

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Vikan á Instagram er fastur liður á DV.is á mánudagsmorgnum þar sem við skoðum hvaða myndir slógu í gegn á Instagram síðustu daga.

Þetta er fólkið sem við erum að fylgja, ef þú ert með ábendingu um áhugaverða einstaklinga/síður að fylgja sendu okkur póst á fokus@dv.is.

Sara Sigmunds fékk treyju frá uppáhalds liðinu sínu:

Hafþór Júlíus dró bíl:


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I pulled a 20 ton Truck today. What did you train? @martinslicis

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Lína Birgitta hugsaði um bisness:


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Business on my mind ?

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Arna Bára Karlsdóttir var í hjartastuði:


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What are you up to today ?

A post shared by Arna Bára Karlsdóttir (@theicelandicbeauty) on

Björgvin K. Guðmundsson birti hjartnæma færslu:


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Now since the results are official I would like to say a few words. I´m not really a man of many words but let´s try. First of all I´m seriously proud of myself. This is my best Open finish so far since my 4th place finish in 2017 & this will be my 6th Crossfit Games appearance, making it every year since 2014. But, it has been a long and often cruel but beautiful ride since I started doing CF in 2012. Many sacrifices have been made over the years and it’s moments like this that make it all worth it. I come from a very small town in Iceland (population of 500) and when I was a kid the big world could be quite scary at times. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever become someone that people would look up to. I didn’t have access to the best sport facilities or the best coaches, it was quite the opposite. But, I was brought up believing in my own abilities and I was taught not to take a single thing for granted, everything has to be worked for. The biggest lesson that I´ve learned over the years is that no matter how hard things get & how far away the goal seems to be, the thing that matters the most is to believe in yourself at all times and don’t let a single soul on this earth tell you that you aren’t good enough. No matter what your goals are in life, true strength comes from within. @crossfitgames #crossfit

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Móeiður Svala fór út á lífið:


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Christel Ýr fór í golf:


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Officially joining the middle-age.. first day of golf practice ☑️

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Unnur Eggerts heimsótti hús Júlíu í Veróna:

Birgitta Líf fór á árshátíð World Class:


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Savage, not average ? #worldclassgala

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María Birta skrifaði undir samninga:


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Signing some contracts today ?? #superexcited #actress #booked #newproject ? @bkheadshots

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Sveppi talaði við Línu Langsokk:


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Lína með vesen

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Jón Jónsson birti sæta fjölskyldumynd:

Ronja ræningjadóttir hitti líka Línu:


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Ronja og Lína ❤ tvær í pakka eins og twix ❤

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Ornella boxaði:


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Happy Sunday ?????#boxinggirl #happysunday #neverarestday #workhardplayhard @tarasshelestyuk @tarasshelestofficial @boxing4fit

A post shared by Ornella Thelmudóttir (@ornella_camel) on

Arna Ýr birti bumbumynd:

Steindi og Auddi voru veislustjórar í Króatíu:


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Tveir snáðar að undirbúa veislustjórn í King’s Landing.

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Tindra Frost birti þessa mynd:

Katrín Tanja fór á æfingu:

Sunneva auglýsti undirföt:

Alexandra Helga fór í mátun, kannski brúðarkjólamátun:


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Before dress fittings?????

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Karitas Harpa fagnaði sumrinu með syninum:


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Ómar og félagar óska landsmönnum gleðilegs sumars ☀️

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Hugrún Egils birti þessa mynd:


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The world sees you for what you are, but the universe sees you for what you can be. ??

A post shared by Hugrún Birta Egilsdóttir (@hugrunegils) on

Jóhanna Helga átti afmæli:


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A post shared by JÓHANNA HELGA JENSDÓTTIR ✨ (@johannahelga9) on

Unnur Óla fór út á lífið:


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? Last Night ?

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Fanney Dóra horfir fram á við:


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Horfðu fram á við, fortíðin er að baki

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Ísold Halldórudóttir lék í tónlistarmyndbandi:

Sigga Dögg talaði um keisaraskurði:


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C-section realness ? three days post op, second c-section, third child ?‍♀️ I often hear mothers talking about c-sections as birthing failures. Like its not a proper way to give birth and that you are a lesser mother for having gone under the ? And that you are doing your child a great disservice ?‍♀️ Oh baby girl – nothing could be further from the TRUTH! Aren´t those staples cool? ?? I have had two c-sections and a vaginal birth (atypical, I know) First one was because baby was breeched and refused to be born and I was a week past my due date. Second one – baby refused to get into place and kept doing cartwheels. Both were scheduled c-sections and yes I felt like my vulva and vagina and uterus had been cheated out an experience. I felt like a half a mother, whose babies would suffer from my incababilities. My failure to push it real good. And a part of me mourned my untorn and unstretched vulva. But I know now that I am a kick ass mom and how my babies came into the world have NOTHING to do with my parenting. sure, my body took time to heal, as do all bodies after pregnancy and giving birth. Each individual is different. Your experience is unique, own it and enjoy it. Your c-section can be a beautiful birthing experience. ?Pre-op, set the mood like you want it set. Maybe watch a movie or listen to music or write or read or sing! ?Pack/Request gourmet snacks. Eat what your heart and belly desires post op. ??????? ?Bring luxurious pyjamas in a soft fabric to wear ?Take photos before and during the op- add funny filters and dancing cats to your photo session, c-sections can be hella funny, trust me! ? Humor can really lighten the mood! Especially if you are nervous. ?And have a birth plan – think about how you want the experience to be and ask what is possible and what isn’t ?‍♀️ This is your birthing experience and it gets its own tale and it can be beautiful and amazing. Don’t think that a c-section lessens your love or your parenting skills or capabilities. Bring with you positivity and beauty because, in the end, you will get your baby ? #csectionawarenessmonth #csectionapril #birthplan #havingbabies #pregnancy #birthing

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Ernuland fór til Tenerife:

Fanney Ingvars fór til San Francisco:


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What a day ?

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Margrét Gnarr fékk bronsið:

Bára Beauty veit ekki í hvorn fótinn hún á að stíga:


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One of the things I miss the most from the ifbb shows is being able to show my back. In the npc bikini league the only focus of the back pose is the glutes & hamstrings, and we are suppose to cover our back with the hair? My back is my favourite part, there is my strength, and back and shoulder days are my favourite training days. My upper body always gets shredded first, and therefore I find it so sad I won’t be allowed to show it on shows. Also one of my biggest concerns is my hair! Somehow I got minus points on my last npc show for taking my hair to the side to be able to show my glutes? The judges wanted to see the hair apparently but mine is too long.. so it would cover my glutes and hamstrings? also they said they bikini girls shouldn’t show the back, it was too hard & muscular.. soooooo I’m thinking.. am I suppose to cut my hair and be like every other ideal bikini gal with mid back length hair that just about covers the back …. just to please some judges in the npc league? Or should I go back to the ifbb league? Decisions decisions…?? . . Ifbb or npc? . . . . . . #ifbb #npc #ifbbbikini #npcbikini #fitness #bikinigirls #ifbbornpc #longhair #longhairproblems #longhairstyles #longhaircut #longhairlove #hairstyles #naturallonghair #noextensions #fitnessgirl #fitnesslife #fitnessfreaks #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfun #fitnessaddict #shredded #shreddedlife #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #gains #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bodybuildingwomen

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Gleðilegt sumar og páska frá Aroni Mola:


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Emmsjé Gauti birti þessa mynd:


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Tyrkisk peber lífsstílinn í boði @kararugs

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Hannes Halldórsson átti afmæli:


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Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Yesterday was a blast! ??

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Alda Karen fór í viðtal:


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Talking body+mind connection w @realjoedesena #comingsoon Check out @spartanuppodcast

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Katrín Bjarka birti þessa mynd:

Katrín Kristins birti þennan samanburð:


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28.apríl 2018 vs 28.apríl 2019 ?

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Hildur María er til í hlýindi:


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Last day of winter here in Iceland ?I’m ready for some warmer days ?

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Eva Ruza módelaðist:

Eva Laufey fékk sér köku:

Berglind Festival faðmaði tré:


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ahem ?? muna að við eigum bara eina jörð

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Pattra fór í körfubolta:


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Sósa vill alltaf vera með Svölu:


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Sósa wants to be in every photo ?

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Daði hélt á dótturinni:


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I’m crazy like a fool! #daddycool ? @arnyfjola

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Er Bryndís Líf að klæða sig í eða úr?


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Am I getting dressed or undressed??

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Tara Brekkan var einlæg:

Guðrún Sortveit tók sumrinu fagnandi:


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Það er komið sumar ??

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Annie Mist hvíldi með slegið hár:


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Rest day = Hair down, ALL day ??‍♀️ #reebokclassics #letyourhairdowngirl #neverstopplaying #enjoythejourney

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Sólveig Sigurðardóttir teygði:


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Twisted ? the viking way. @romwod

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Björk Óðins er ólétt:

Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. DV áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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