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Andrea Röfn birti þessa fallegu mynd
María Birta skoðaði hafmeyju sporð
Tinna deildi „saklausri“ mynd af sér
Jóhanna Helga fór út á lífið í NYC
Karítas Harpa deildi gleðifréttum
Margrét Gnarr horfði til baka
Christel Ýr og litla baunin hennar
Tanja Ýr fór út að borða
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Dinner ?✨
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Sunneva deildi töff mynd
Birgitta Líf fór í ræktina
Alda Karen missti af Eurovision
Pabbahelgi hjá Aron Mola
Fanney Ingvars hélt upp á tveggja ára afmælu dóttur sinnar
Ernuland klikkaði ekki og deildi mikilvægum skilaboðum
Katrín Bjarka birti þessa mynd:
Sigga Dögg var spennt fyrir Eurovision
Og Arna Bára deildi þessari mynd:
Sölvi Fannar hitti Chris Tucker
Unnur Eggerts deildi töff mynd
Gísli Marteinn deildi mynd af tveimur sigurvegurum
Svala fór út að borða
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Eva Ruza var tilbúin fyrir Eurovision
Bára sýndi bakið
Linda Pé birti þessa fallegu mynd:
Katrín naut sín í Mílanó
Nína Dagbjört birti þessa:
Vala Grand birti þessa:
Katrín Myrra tíndi rusl
Binni Löve óskaði Kristínu til hamingju með mæðradaginn
Birgitta Haukdal er fjallkona
Arna Ýr birti þessa fallegu mynd
Katrín Edda fór til London
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London! ?? Hápunktur fyrsta dagsins var klárlega að við löbbuðum mjög svo óviðbúin framhjá Karli Bretaprins og royal sérfræðingurinn sem ég er tók þetta upp á vídjó (swipe right) segjandi „Ókei! Við vorum að labba framhjá Prins Harry, ég er ekkert að grínast í ykkur!! Ah nei, Prins Harry, Vilhjálmi meina ég. Vá, ég er ekkert að djóka í ykkur, þetta er hann þarna! Vilhjálmur, með eyrun og allt saman.“ Hver segir btw Vilhjálmur en ekki William í dag? Og gott hann tók eyrun sín með. ? Og svo eftir staðfestingu hjá Google mundi ég að bræðurnir eru Harry og William og pabbi þeirra, þessi með eyrun og allt saman, heitir víst Charles, jú, eða Karl. Og fórum svo á crossfit æfingu í gær þar sem ég missti 55 kg stöng á hausinn minn (ekkert vont, ég er vön höfuðhöggum) og svo er Eurovision í kvöld!! Markus getur ekki beðið. Það er lygi. En ég sagði honum að það að vera í sambandi með Íslendingi þýddi að horfa þyrfti á Eurovision. Öll ár að eilífu. ❤ ?? Mikið gaman, mikið fjör. – Long weekend in London! ?? Highlight of the first day was definitely when we casually passed prince Charles and being the royal expert I am, I first thought his name was Harry. Then Wilhelm. Then William and then remember that the guy „with the ears“ is actually called Charles. Well done Katrin. ?? ? And yesterday we went training in a small crossfit box here were I dropped 55 kg barbell on my head (didn’t hurt, I’m fine) and tonight is Eurovision!!! Markus can’t wait. That’s a lie. I told him being in a relationship with an Icelander means watching Eurovision every year for the rest of our lives. ?? ? ?? #insicknessandinhealth #london #princewilhelm #royals #nowgonnasearchforlittlearchie #eurovision
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Viktor Andersen var spenntur fyrir Eurovision
Dóra Júlía birti þessa mynd:
Og Bryndís Líf birti þessa:
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Heyy ?
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Katrín Tanja var hress að vana
Auðunn Blöndal deildi stórfréttum
Sölvi Tryggva hélt fyrirlestra
Móeiður Svala birti þessa mynd:
Alexandra Helga hélt hundaafmæli
Alda Coco birti þessa mynd:
Og Hugrún Egils birti þessa:
Ellý Ármanns klæddi sig upp fyrir Eurovision
Fanney Dóra birti þessa mynd:
Hildur María fór til Cayman eyja
Gréta Salóme skrifaði undir samninga
Þórdís Elva birti þetta myndband:
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One in four women has had an abortion, making abortion a normal experience shared by a billion women.♀️Another thing that is both prevalent and normal is the use of contraception. However, no contraception is 100% safe, with 99% usually being the safest. For that reason alone, abortion needs to be available as a form of birth control. That’s right: ABORTION IS A LEGITIMATE FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL. I’LL SAY IT AGAIN: IT’S NORMAL. If you came home to find an unresponsive stranger in your bed, despite having locked your door with a lock that was 99% safe, you’d be well within your rights requesting help to have that person removed. Even if you forgot to lock your door, heck, EVEN IF YOU LEFT IT WIDE OPEN, you’d still deserve help to remove someone who entered your home without your consent. Women in Georgia, Alabama and elsewhere have now been told that their body is no longer their home. Meanwhile, Iceland just made it easier to have safe, legal abortions for longer (up to 22 weeks, for no other reason than the woman simply wishing to have the fetus removed). Never before in modern times has the ideological rift been clearer, between the countries that respect women’s human rights, and the ones that would force a woman to carry her rapist’s offspring, punishing her with a harsher sentence if she refuses, than him for having raped her in the first place. Because rape, awful as it sounds, is also a ‘normal’ occurence given that one in three women suffer sexual or physical violence at the hands of a man, in their lifetime. Let that sink in. That said, abortion is not an issue that should be defined by rape and incest, because centering victims of violence suggests that there are „good“ and „bad“ abortions. Regardless of how they became pregnant, women should have the right to control their own bodies. These laws are not „pro-life“, they’re „pro-forced-pregnancy“. They’re a war on women everywhere. American sisters, you have an international sisterhood of women around the globe that are losing their shit for you. This needs to stop. ?✊? #fuckyourabortionban #mybodymychoice #shoutyourabortion #youknowme #mybodymyhome #iwilllosemyshitforyou
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Ísold deildi mikilvægum skilaboðum
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#mentalhealthawarenessweek // I’m a cry baby. At school I would cry, in the bathroom, in the classroom, out in the hallway, outside on the playground. I remember one day when I had been caught in the middle of an argument, everyone had cornered me, asking for an explanation and I immediately started crying. Someone from the class next door asked who it was, and some guy said “ oh it’s probably Isold”. I felt like a punching bag, something people could belittle to make themselves feel better. Soon after that I started to become more and more anxious. I didn’t want to go to school, I couldn’t. I would be out the door, walking to the train station and then run back home. I was too scared to show up and as I got older, it evidently got in the way for me to finish college. // I’ve always been very emotional and I think that’s always had a big influence on my anxiety. It’s almost as if I feel too much. Today, I’m learning to let go. Instead of neglecting my emotions I welcome them, and give them the space to pass. We are capable of so much but sometimes we forget to truly deal with our struggles. Bottling things up is never the answer. Hiding your emotions won’t resolve anything. Your feelings are valid. Speak up, if not for yourself then for someone else. We are all going through something, but none of us have to go through them alone. #isoldhalldorudottir #fatgirloncam #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #selflove #lifepositive #takecareofyourself #speakup #youarenotalone
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Sólborg gaf Palestínu 12 stig
Kristín Björgvins tók á því
Herra Hnetusmjör birti þessa mynd
Og Andrea Magnús þessa: