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Hafþór Júlíus dró bíl:
Lína Birgitta hugsaði um bisness:
Arna Bára Karlsdóttir var í hjartastuði:
Björgvin K. Guðmundsson birti hjartnæma færslu:
Móeiður Svala fór út á lífið:
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Christel Ýr fór í golf:
Unnur Eggerts heimsótti hús Júlíu í Veróna:
Birgitta Líf fór á árshátíð World Class:
María Birta skrifaði undir samninga:
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Jón Jónsson birti sæta fjölskyldumynd:
Ronja ræningjadóttir hitti líka Línu:
Ornella boxaði:
Arna Ýr birti bumbumynd:
Steindi og Auddi voru veislustjórar í Króatíu:
Tindra Frost birti þessa mynd:
Katrín Tanja fór á æfingu:
Sunneva auglýsti undirföt:
Alexandra Helga fór í mátun, kannski brúðarkjólamátun:
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Hugrún Egils birti þessa mynd:
Jóhanna Helga átti afmæli:
Unnur Óla fór út á lífið:
Fanney Dóra horfir fram á við:
Ísold Halldórudóttir lék í tónlistarmyndbandi:
Sigga Dögg talaði um keisaraskurði:
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C-section realness ? three days post op, second c-section, third child ?♀️ I often hear mothers talking about c-sections as birthing failures. Like its not a proper way to give birth and that you are a lesser mother for having gone under the ? And that you are doing your child a great disservice ?♀️ Oh baby girl – nothing could be further from the TRUTH! Aren´t those staples cool? ?? I have had two c-sections and a vaginal birth (atypical, I know) First one was because baby was breeched and refused to be born and I was a week past my due date. Second one – baby refused to get into place and kept doing cartwheels. Both were scheduled c-sections and yes I felt like my vulva and vagina and uterus had been cheated out an experience. I felt like a half a mother, whose babies would suffer from my incababilities. My failure to push it real good. And a part of me mourned my untorn and unstretched vulva. But I know now that I am a kick ass mom and how my babies came into the world have NOTHING to do with my parenting. sure, my body took time to heal, as do all bodies after pregnancy and giving birth. Each individual is different. Your experience is unique, own it and enjoy it. Your c-section can be a beautiful birthing experience. ?Pre-op, set the mood like you want it set. Maybe watch a movie or listen to music or write or read or sing! ?Pack/Request gourmet snacks. Eat what your heart and belly desires post op. ??????? ?Bring luxurious pyjamas in a soft fabric to wear ?Take photos before and during the op- add funny filters and dancing cats to your photo session, c-sections can be hella funny, trust me! ? Humor can really lighten the mood! Especially if you are nervous. ?And have a birth plan – think about how you want the experience to be and ask what is possible and what isn’t ?♀️ This is your birthing experience and it gets its own tale and it can be beautiful and amazing. Don’t think that a c-section lessens your love or your parenting skills or capabilities. Bring with you positivity and beauty because, in the end, you will get your baby ? #csectionawarenessmonth #csectionapril #birthplan #havingbabies #pregnancy #birthing
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Ernuland fór til Tenerife:
Fanney Ingvars fór til San Francisco:
Margrét Gnarr fékk bronsið:
Bára Beauty veit ekki í hvorn fótinn hún á að stíga:
Gleðilegt sumar og páska frá Aroni Mola:
Emmsjé Gauti birti þessa mynd:
Hannes Halldórsson átti afmæli:
Alda Karen fór í viðtal:
Katrín Bjarka birti þessa mynd:
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Hildur María er til í hlýindi:
Eva Ruza módelaðist:
Eva Laufey fékk sér köku:
Berglind Festival faðmaði tré:
Pattra fór í körfubolta:
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Sósa vill alltaf vera með Svölu:
Daði hélt á dótturinni:
Er Bryndís Líf að klæða sig í eða úr?
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Sólveig Sigurðardóttir teygði:
Björk Óðins er ólétt: