Hljómsveitin Hatari skorar á Benjamin Nethanyahu, forsætisráðherra Ísrael, í íslenska glímukeppni. Þetta kemur fram í yfirlýsingu frá hljómsveitinni sem keppir í Söngvakeppninni 2019. Hljómsveitinni hefur verið spáð sigri af mörgum og telja erlendir áhugamenn um Eurovision að þarna sé kominn besti möguleiki Íslands til að ná árangri í keppninni í ár.
Talsmaður hljómsveitarinnar las upp yfirlýsingu, sem er á ensku, í útvarpsþættinum Morgunverkin á Rás 2 í morgun. Þar er Nethanyahu skoraður á hólm en hljómsveitin leggur Vestmannaeyjar undir ef þeir skyldu tapa. Ef Hatari sigrar mun hljómsveitin hins vegar fá að stofna BDSM fríríki innan landamæra Ísrael.
This is unofficial statement from award winning Icelandic anti-capitalist BDSM techno performers art group Hatari:
We address our statement to Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel and chairman of the Likud national-liberal movement.
We members of Hatari hereby challenge you to a friendly match of traditional Icelandic trouser grip wrestling, or glíma. The wrestling match is to take place on Magen David Square in Tel Aviv on May 19th at the time of your choosing.
We will use traditional Icelandic trouser grip rules, illegal holds and unsportsmen-like conduct will lead to disqualifications and ensure drengskapur is upheld, a neutral UN sponsored referee will be present.
If the chosen Hatari trouser grip wrestling champion wins this fair match of glíma, members of Hatari reserve the rigths to settle within your borders establishing the first ever Hatari sponsored liberal BDSM colony on the Mediterranian coast. If prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu wins the glíma the Israeli government will be given full political and economic control of South-Icelandic Island muncipality Vestmannaeyjar. Members of Hatari will ensure the successful removal of the islands current inhabitants.
We await your swift response at our email-adress hatari@hatari.is or contact at Icelandicmusicnews.com. Which ever you or your staff prefers.
Hatrið mun sigra, hate will prevail.